Open Source Image and Video Restoration Toolbox for Super-resolution, Denoise, Deblurring, etc. Currently, it includes EDSR, RCAN, SRResNet, SRGAN, ESRGAN, EDVR, BasicVSR, SwinIR, ECBSR, etc. Also sup...
翻译 - 开源图像和视频恢复工具箱,特别适用于超分辨率,包括EDSR,RCAN,SRResNet,SRGAN,ESRGAN,EDVR等。还支持StyleGAN2,DFDNet。
Winning Solution in NTIRE19 Challenges on Video Restoration and Enhancement (CVPR19 Workshops) - Video Restoration with Enhanced Deformable Convolutional Networks. EDVR has been merged into BasicSR an...
翻译 - NTIRE19视频恢复和增强挑战中的获奖解决方案(CVPR19研讨会)-增强型可变形卷积网络的视频恢复
"Retinexformer: One-stage Retinex-based Transformer for Low-light Image Enhancement" (ICCV 2023) & (NTIRE 2024 Challenge)
BasicSR-Examples illustrates how to easily use BasicSR in your own project
#计算机科学#Official repository of the Fried Rice Lab, including code resources of the following our works: ESWT [arXiv], etc. This repository also implements many useful features and out-of-the-box image restora...
Windows only GUI for ESRGAN with additional features
#计算机科学#an inference lib for image/video restoration with VapourSynth support
#人脸识别#Face Swap Finetuned Model
an inference lib for video frame interpolation with VapourSynth support
【matlab / python / tkinter / BasicSR】基于EDVR SRCNN FSRCNN 的超分辨率部署程序
A GAN architecture that improves the resolution of the input image 4 times (x4) based on "basicsr" repo
이미지 개선 딥러닝 모델 선택 적용 시스템 (NAFNet, HAT, MAXIM)