Catch CSS curve balls.
翻译 - 捕捉CSS曲线球。
A simple implementation of BackstopJS for running screenshot comparison tests on static websites.
Drupal projects up and running with Docker and many other tools in minutes
An opinionated interface for writing, running, and saving BackstopJS tests
QA suite for running automated tests on websites, powered by Docksal
A self-contained Docker image to run BackstopJS with no external dependencies [DEPRECATED]
Free Visual Regression Testing Framework (CSS Testing or Image Comparison Tool) - Ready To Use
A wrapper command to retry failed scenario for BackstopJS
Web visual testing by docker, support Gemini, Hermione, BackstopJS
🔬 'A different approach to UI testing' - Final status of the SAPUI5 application demonstrating the use of QUnit, OPA5, karma and BackstopJS. #SAPUI5 #UI5con
Brakko is a Visual Regression Testing suite based on BackstopJS
A BackstopJS fork using Playwright as engine. Choose your own browser type.
A Gatsby + React front end to the "Umami" Drupal 9 demo site. Drupal backend here:
Basic docksal recipe to start a LAMP environment with Drupal 8.3.2 + mysql + apache2 + stylus + ES6 and livereload!
#网络爬虫#Utility tool that bundles a crawler and BackstopJS for visual regression testing.
React APP visual regression testing using BackstopJS
This is an opinionated setup for BackstopJS visual regression test suite with the goal to have minimal afford to configure.