Form validation for Vue.js 2.2+
Modern, simple, lightweight (~5kb gzip) form validation library written in Typescript, with no dependencies (no JQuery!). Support a wide range of predefined rules, async, files, dates validation, cust...
Angular like reactive forms in React.
Functional reactive forms. Multi-layer validation, custom styling, field grouping, reactive props, and much more.
SharpGrip FluentValidation AutoValidation is an extension of the FluentValidation library enabling automatic asynchronous validation in MVC controllers and minimal APIs (endpoints).
Javascript based form validation library, third party library / framework agnostic.
A xlsx based resource validator using Zod schemas
A Vue 3 package based on Naive UI that provides highly customizable promised-based popup forms, with features like form advanced validation, multiple-steps, cross-field dependency, nested object / ar...
A javascript library for async model based validation in server, client or anywhere else.
React Redux Login Register with redux-form, jwt, refresh-token and bootstrap (Download API :
An API to manage your form state... Supports form validation. Efficient form development with no substantive downside.
An opinionated form validation tool for React apps
Flexible and lightweight framework for rendering and validating forms with React
A very simple, fast and customizable async data validator
Using reselect for redux app validation
Plugin for lc-form-validator library: Validate if two fields match.
A knockout plugin for the treacherous validation system
An Aurelia plugin for the treacherous validation system