AssertJ Guava is a library of assertions specific to Guava types like Multimap, Optional and Table - now part of assertj/assertj
JSON Content Validator (JCV) allows you to compare JSON contents with embedded validation.
Mock SMPP server for testing via JUnit 5 extension or Spring Boot Starter and AssertJ
AssertJ assertions for HTML
JSON Content Validator for Database (JCV-DB) allow you to compare database contents against a JSON with JCV validators.
Solution for the Revolut's back-end engineer position challenge
Showcases various testing strategies for your spring boot apps. How to test various layers of your spring boot app
Fluent assertions for writing integration (remote unit) tests for Alfresco
Curso online teórico-prático voltado ao público que esteja interessado em aprender sobre Teste de Software em projeto Spring.
A test kit to create fluent assertions for the ASM Java byte code modification framework, built on top of AssertJ.
🚀 🎯 🏆 Industry Grade API Framework : REST ASSURED, Owner Library(for properties file configuration), TestNG, OAUTH2 flow, Traditional TestNg Data Provider- Excel Data Driven, Maven...
AssertJ Extension Modules
Example with useful libraries to speed up Java objects writing and testing.