#IOS#Native alert from Apple Music & Feedback. Contains Done, Heart & Message and other presets.
Automated Apple Music Lossless Sample Rate Switching for Audio Devices on Macs.
#IOS#iOS Swift framework for creating user interface like apple music genre selection bubbles
#IOS#The ultimate companion to MusicKit.
#IOS#An easy to integrate solution for presenting UIViewControllers in a bottom sheet
A python program to download albums and songs with AAC codec in .m4a container format and music-videos up to 4K in AVC or HEVC codec in .mp4 format from Apple Music.
A collection of additional Lavaplayer/Lavalink Sources
#安卓#Apple music animation demo in Android
A python script for downloading enhanced animated artworks from Apple-Music.
A Go client library for accessing the Apple Music API.
🎵 A simple, beautiful, and user-friendly third-party player for NetEase Cloud Music. | 高颜值,高性能的网易云音乐第三方音乐播放器
#IOS#A small project written with SwiftUI achieves a scrolling effect similar to Apple Music lyrics.
Swapify is an open source app to transfer music between platforms
#IOS#Numu Tracker for iOS - Numu is an app for keeping track of releases by your favorite musicians.
Discord's Rich Presence from Apple Music
#安卓#A sample Apple MusicKit project that demonstrates how to integrate Apple MusicKit with your iOS, Android or react app.
#IOS#AppleMusic Transition playBar -> playDetail