A scriptable music downloader for Qobuz, Tidal, SoundCloud, and Deezer
Automated Apple Music Lossless Sample Rate Switching for Audio Devices on Macs.
📎Some useful apps based on PyQt5. | 谷歌翻译、bilibili视频下载、华科电费查询、猫耳FM音频下载、无损音乐下载、华科图书馆查询、词云生成器etc.
🎧 A beautiful player for audiophiles.
Master Quality Authenticated codec reverse engineering, Tool to identify MQA encoding and Master's Sample Rate
Fluent UI app for downloading lossless FLACs, metadata editing, audio format conversions, music source matching, and more!
BugsPy is a tool for downloading streamable tracks from Bugs.co.kr
Java rewrite of Sela lossless audio codec
SLA - Solitary Lossless Audio Compressor
ALA - Ayashi Lossless Audio Compressor
chilii Music Player
Preserve your beats for future retreats.
FLAC lossless audio encoder-decoder for education purposes