#安卓#This is a list of all awesome and useful android studio plugins.
翻译 - 这是所有很棒和有用的android studio插件的列表。
A lightweight and fast AOP framework for Android App and SDK developers
翻译 - 一个面向 Android App 和 SDK 开发者的轻量级快速 AOP 框架
#安卓#希望整理Android Studio 最全面的开发插件。
#安卓#📔 CaMnter's android learning life and footprint.
#安卓#Jetpack Compose Country Code Picker
#安卓#🗣️ Speech recognition on Unity and Android without the annoying google popup!
Class Annotation Processor Tool on Android
An open-source implementation of the Oculus Platform SDK intended to be used with the Quest platform.
#安卓#An Android Image compress library, reduce's the size of the image by 90% without losing any of its pixels.
#安卓#A lightweight and fast AOP library for Android App and SDK developers.
EasyAOP是基于ASM实现切面通用能力的工具。EasyAOP提供的通用切面能力,可以使用配置文件方式来配置使用。(EasyAOP is a tool based on ASM to realize the general capability of AOP. General faceting capabilities provided by EasyAOP,You can use the ya...
Gradle Plugin to report Android Lint and Detekt result back to Github Pull Request
DroidPlugin and Atlas practise samples to know them well
#安卓#Studio Plugin to easily integrate FCM Notification:
#安卓#This is an Android plugin, which can improve the performance of layout loading by parsing the layout xml file during the compilation period and converting the reflection instantiation in LayoutInflate...
#安卓#Native Android plugin for Unity enabling the use of detailed profiler tags inside Arm's DS-5 Streamline profiler.
Plugin android gradle for updating localization files using lokalise.co
#安卓#A Gradle plugin for Android projects. Generate `locale-config.xml` files for Android API 33 along with source code for an in-app language selector.