#计算机科学#ManimML is a project focused on providing animations and visualizations of common machine learning concepts with the Manim Community Library.
A visually intuitive take on Fourier Transform based on a youtube video by 3Blue1Brown
An interactive inspired by 3Blue1Brown's 'Simulating an Epidemic' video.
Inspired by 3Blue1Brown. Apply fourier transform to an SVG path and draw the result on canvas.
Calculations for an interactive/simulation inspired by an awesome video by 3Blue1Brown.
An interactive for visualizing complex functions based on a 3Blue1Brown video and also estimation of Riemann Zeta Function using Euler Maclaurin Summation.
This is a repository that visualizes self similar fractal using Manim, a Python library for creating animated scenes. Additionally, it modifies 3B1B's `fractal.py` to be more compatible with manimCE.这...
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#算法刷题#Summer of Math Exposition 3 - How does a computer/calculator compute logarithms?
Putting the 1992 Putnam Test question A-6 into code.
Repo to store every visualization I generate with manim.
This repository consists of all the useful animations related to theorems and other stuff in maths (of 1st year). We are using a software called "manim" for this purpose.
Solve Wordle and Dungleon puzzles with information theory.
Obsidian/Foam notes for 3Blue1Brown's series on linear algebra.
MATLAB implementation - Create pi using collisions of 2 blocks with a wall.
Approximating digits of PI with box Collisions in C++ visualized using SDL2.
This project simulates a pool game where two rectangular blocks collide and give the value of π. Users can input the number of digits of π they want to consider, and the program calculates the corresp...