🎵 一个可播放及下载音乐的 Node.js 命令行工具
Musicdl: A lightweight music downloader written in pure python.
#网络爬虫#netease-music-spider is a sipder that you can find beautiful girlfriend or handsome boyfriend.
a good vue-image-scroll component!
翻译 - 一个很好的vue-image-scroll组件!
一款简单且极少依赖的网易云音乐批量下载器,支持根据网易歌曲详情修改mp3的id3 tag信息
获取网易云音乐歌词和中文翻译。 | Get lyrics and translated lyrics (Chinese) from NetEase Cloud Music (music.163.com).
Python + flet制作的(充满 BUG 的)音乐播放器
Download all songs or individual songs of Netease Cloud Music Songs (下载网易云音乐歌单所有歌曲或单独歌曲)