[mirror] the database client and tools for the Go vulnerability database
intentionally vuln web Application Security in django
Create actionable data from your Vulnerability Scans
OWASP VulnerableApp Project: For Security Enthusiasts by Security Enthusiasts.
This repository contain a lot of web and api vulnerability checklist , a lot of vulnerability ideas and tips from twitter
NSE script based on Vulners.com API
翻译 - 基于Vulners.com API的NSE脚本
#网络爬虫#vulnx 🕷️ an intelligent Bot, Shell can achieve automatic injection, and help researchers detect security vulnerabilities CMS system. It can perform a quick CMS security detection, information collect...
翻译 - vulnx🕷️是一个智能的机器人自动外壳注入器,可以检测多种类型的cms中的漏洞{`wordpress,joomla,drupal,prestashop ..}
Create a vulnerable active directory that's allowing you to test most of the active directory attacks in a local lab
收集的文章 https://mrwq.github.io/tools/paper/
vuln scaner and exploit
Check CCTV vuln
Scanner PoC for CVE-2019-0708 RDP RCE vuln
翻译 - CVE-2019-0708 RDP RCE vuln的扫描器PoC
a vuln scanner powered by springboot and vue2
Weblogic Upload Vuln(Need username password)-CVE-2019-2618
a vuln scanner powered by springboot&spring security and vueadmin
CVE-2023-3519 vuln for nuclei scanner
A mission to breakout every single solidity vuln I come across and categorize it
Weblogic Vuln POC EXP cve-2020-2551 cve-2020-2555 cve-2020-2883 ,。。。
A collection of JavaScript engine CVEs with PoCs
Exploits | MIRAI AND SCANNERS | Layer4 Methods | Layer7 Methods | UDP METHODS | TCP METHODS | BRUTERS | VULN | LISTS
hostapd and wpa_supplicant 2.7 vulnerable to Mathy's WPA3 bugs
Detect vulnerable regexes in your project. REDOS, catastrophic backtracking.