Zotero PDF Translate 是用于文献管理软件Zotero的翻译插件。主要功能有划词翻译、源文本/翻译切换、批注翻译、支持多种翻译引擎
A simple Vue.js datepicker component. Supports disabling of dates, inline mode, translations
Legacy legal code translations and general support issues
C to Go translation tool supporting Go toolchain migration
Wordpress plugin: Adds user-friendly and database-friendly multilingual content management and translation support.
An Integrated Corpus Tool With Multilingual Support for the Study of Language, Literature, and Translation
翻译 - 具有多语言支持的集成语料库工具,用于语言,文学和翻译研究
A free google translation api, support text and page
The minimalist Pelican theme.
翻译 - 极简的鹈鹕主题。
Deep Learning 中文翻译
Provides tools to internationalize your application
翻译 - Translation组件提供了使您的应用程序国际化的工具。
A translation extension.
翻译 - 翻译扩展。
《Python Cookbook》 3rd Edition Translation
翻译 - 《 Python Cookbook》第三版翻译
RaiDrive Translation
#计算机科学#Image-to-Image Translation in PyTorch
翻译 - PyTorch中的图像到图像翻译
Online translation tool
TensorFlow Neural Machine Translation Tutorial
翻译 - TensorFlow神经机器翻译教程
Multi-source Translation
Manage Laravel translation files
翻译 - 管理Laravel翻译文件
Translation management app
TeachYourselfCS Portuguese Translation
Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
[READ ONLY] Subtree split of the Illuminate Support component (see laravel/framework)
Spanish Translation
翻译 - 西班牙语翻译