🔤 Free Google Translate API PHP Package. Translates totally free of charge.
翻译 - :globe_with_meridians:免费的Google Translate API PHP软件包。完全免费翻译。
Alfred 3 workflow - translate with google api💵🚫
🈯 A Node.JS library to consume Google Translate API for free.
A module grouping multiple translation APIs
收集国内可用的谷歌翻译 IP 地址,并提供一些工具用于检测 IP 是否可用。
Translations with speech synthesis in your terminal as a ruby gem
Translate Ruby strings and arrays with Google Translate.
Translations with speech synthesis in your terminal as a node package
PySimpleGUI based DESKTOP APP to AUTO GENERATE SUBTITLE FILE (using free Google Speech Recognition API) and TRANSLATED SUBTITLE FILE (using unofficial online Google Translate API) for any video or aud...
This package makes using the Google Translate API in your laravel app a breeze with minimum to no configuration, clean syntax and a consistent package API.
A free google translation api, support text and page
[DEPRECATED] Free Google Translate API. Very lightweight and easy to use.
Translate a folder of JSON files containing translations into multiple languages.
Library for free use Google Translator. With attempts connecting on failure and array support.
Easy translate text on web pages (chrome extension)
The pre-workflow of alfred-google-translate to config language pair