tensorboard for pytorch (and chainer, mxnet, numpy, ...)
TensorFlow's Visualization Toolkit
翻译 - TensorFlow的可视化工具包
Standalone TensorBoard for visualizing in deep learning
Start Tensorboard in Jupyter Notebook
Log TensorBoard events without touching TensorFlow
Code that accompanies my talk at TF Dev Summit 2016
A language-agnostic interface to TensorBoard
A TensorFlow & Deep Learning online course I taught in 2016
翻译 - 我在2016年教过的TensorFlow和深度学习在线课程
Tensorboard extension for jupyterlab.
TensorBoard as a Zipline dashboard
Logging MXNet data for visualization in TensorBoard.
The use examples of tensorboard on pytorch
Example code using PR Curve TensorBoard plugin with Keras
Demucs Lightning: A PyTorch lightning version of Demucs with Hydra and Tensorboard features
TF2 Deep FloorPlan Recognition using a Multi-task Network with Room-boundary-Guided Attention. Enable tensorboard, quantization, flask, tflite, docker, github actions and google colab.
Object detection and instance segmentation on MaskRCNN with torchvision, albumentations, tensorboard and cocoapi. Supports custom coco datasets with positive/negative samples.
Computer vision container that includes Jupyter notebooks with built-in code hinting, Anaconda, CUDA 11.8, TensorRT inference accelerator for Tensor cores, CuPy (GPU drop in replacement for Numpy), Py...
#计算机科学#This repository allows you to get started with training a state-of-the-art Deep Learning model with little to no configuration needed! You provide your labeled dataset or label your dataset using our...
翻译 - 该存储库使您可以开始训练最先进的深度学习模型,而几乎不需要或不需要任何配置!您提供了标记的数据集,就可以立即开始训练并以许多不同方式(例如TensorBoard或自定义REST API和GUI)对其进行监视。使用YOLOv3进行培训从未如此简单。
This is a training framework based on PyTorch, which is used to rapidly build the model, without caring about the training process (such as DDP or DP, Tensorboard, et al.). The demo can be found in Fr...
该工程基于Python3.6,tensorflow1.6。主要是对tensorflow框架进行认识,实践和应用,快速掌握tf在深度学习上的使用,包括线性模型,minist数据集分类,Tensorboard,CNN,LSTM,图像识别网络inception-v3,多任务学习以及验证码识别, word2vec,语音分类模型等实践。配合https://www.bilibili.com/video/av2...
搭建tensorflow卷积网络训练flowers5分类模型,其中数据集是自己制作的tfrecords数据集,由于机器实在不给力只能搭建简单的卷积网络(2conv+2fullconnect)进行训练,整个网络搭建流程自己学习到的知识有:tfrecords数据集制作, 数据预处理,数据增广,训练模型数据的保存,tensorboard的使用, tfdbg的使用。数据增广方面除了使用tensorflow...