JavaScript 代码规范,自带 linter & 代码自动修正
☂️ TypeScript style guide, formatter, and linter.
翻译 - Type️TypeScript样式指南,格式化程序和linter。
A Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files.
A plugin for Atom Linter providing an interface to stylelint.
Markdown linting and style checking for Visual Studio Code
Verible is a suite of SystemVerilog developer tools, including a parser, style-linter, formatter and language server
Typescript style guide, linter, and formatter using StandardJS
Lint your styled components with stylelint!
Static analysis and style linter for Ruby code.
Combination of multiple linters to run as a GitHub Action or standalone
翻译 - 多个linter的组合以作为GitHub Action安装
CloudFormation Linter
翻译 - CloudFormation Linter
A Base Linter with Cow Powers
⚡️Lightning-fast linter for .env files. Written in Rust 🦀
A Pluggable Terraform Linter
翻译 - TFLint是一款Terraform Linter,专注于可能的错误,最佳实践等(Terraform> = 0.12)
staticcheck 是一个高级的Golang linter,通过静态分析帮助发现bug、性能问题以及统一代码风格
Naive linter for English prose