🍌 Angular UI library to split views and allow dragging to resize areas using CSS grid layout.
翻译 - Angular UI库用于拆分视图,并允许使用CSS flexbox布局进行拖动以调整区域大小。
QGIS plugin that splits one or more polygon/multipolygon features showing the resulting areas on each side of the cutting line and allowing cutting line editions
[Blender Addon] toggle split / join with another area.
Training materials to deliver an API Product Owner training. The training follows a "learning by doing" methodology with big emphasis on students solving a realistic problem for the first time with th...
Angular 2 widget example: Resizable content areas with a draggable splitter.
A React component that manages split panes allows users to divide and resize content areas within a layout efficiently.
This Vue component can split an area of a page in two panels and panels can be nested.
QGIS 3 script to split a polygon into sub-polygons of more-or-less equal areas
Split pane areas
Unopinionated utilities for resizeable split views
翻译 - 未感染的实用程序,可调整大小的拆分视图
#计算机科学#ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks
翻译 - ResNeSt:注意力分散网络
React split-pane component
Djinn Split Keyboard
翻译 - Djinn分割键盘
Split-Pane component built with vue2.0, can be split vertically or horizontally. http://panjiachen.github.io/split-pane/demo/index.html
📈 The Rack Based A/B testing framework
翻译 - :chart_with_upwards_trend:基于机架的A / B测试框架
Ergonomic split mechanical keyboard
#学习与技能提升#GitHub repo for the MDN Learning Area.
翻译 - 适用于MDN学习区的Github回购。
Rich-text area for JavaFX
A collection of ergonomic split keyboards ⌨
A compact split ortholinear keyboard.
Resizable split panes for Vue.js.
Area of Interest Library
Personal Area Networking for .NET. Open source and professionally supported
code for split-flap display