Official KiCad schematic symbol libraries for Kicad 5
Official KiCad Footprint Libraries for Kicad version 5
The schematic and 3D libraries for KiCad 4.0. Note that the footprint libraries are the *.pretty repos themselves. This is an orphaned repo, the news about the v5 libs,
翻译 - KiCad 4.0的原理图和3D库。请注意,封装库本身是* .pretty存储库。这是一个孤立的仓库,有关v5库的新闻,。
This is an active mirror of the KiCad development branch, which is hosted at GitLab (updated every time something is pushed). Pull requests on GitHub are not accepted or watched.
An atomic parts library for Ki-Cad.
Official KiCad 3D model libraries for rendering and MCAD integration
Some kicad scripts
kicadStepUp: ECAD to MCAD FreeCAD WorkBench
KiCad new documentation repository [moved to]
KiCad project templates
SparkFun's KiCad Libraries
stm32f0 usb can adapter (KiCAD)
KiCAD library for Teensy microcontrollers
KiCAD to Boardview exporter reads KiCAD PCB layout files and writes ASCII Boardview files
Templates for KiCAD
PCB KiCAD project files
KiCAD library for Teensy microcontrollers
Guide on how to design keyboard PCBs with KiCad
kicad 3d models in freecad
Kicad for BlueRetro project
KiCad to Blender 3D model workflow
Convert EasyEDA designs to KiCad EDA