Direct Sparse Odometry
翻译 - 直接稀疏里程表
#自然语言处理#Sparsity-aware deep learning inference runtime for CPUs
Spatial Sparse Convolution Library
翻译 - Spatial Sparse Convolution in PyTorch
Submanifold sparse convolutional networks
翻译 - 子流形稀疏卷积网络
OpenVDB - Sparse volume data structure and tools
翻译 - OpenVDB-稀疏卷数据结构和工具
Examples of using sparse attention, as in "Generating Long Sequences with Sparse Transformers"
翻译 - 使用稀疏注意力的示例,如“使用稀疏变压器生成长序列”
An industrial deep learning framework for high-dimension sparse data
翻译 - 高维稀疏数据的工业深度学习框架
Sparse Blocks Networks
Fast jacobian computation through sparsity exploitation and matrix coloring
Structure learning for sparse graphs with latent variables
[CVPR 2021] Exploring Sparsity in Image Super-Resolution for Efficient Inference
Few-view CT reconstruction with group-sparsity regularization
Gaussian Process package based on data augmentation, sparsity and natural gradients
Code for Dynamic Convolutions: Exploiting Spatial Sparsity for Faster Inference (CVPR2020)
Fast non-allocating calculations of gradients, Jacobians, and Hessians with sparsity support
Combined Group and Exclusive Sparsity for Deep Neural Networks, ICML 2017
This code implements sparsity-regularized spectral unmixing of hyperspectral images
Code for phase retrieval of signals with underlying structured sparsity.
A sparsity aware implementation of "Deep Autoencoder-like Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Community Detection" (CIKM 2018).
翻译 - “用于社区检测的类似于深度自动编码器的非负矩阵分解”的稀疏性实现(CIKM 2018)。
MATLAB codes for "Group-sparsity learning approach for bearing fault diagnosis"
SOTA low-bit LLM quantization (INT8/FP8/INT4/FP4/NF4) & sparsity; leading model compression techniques on TensorFlow, PyTorch, and ONNX Runtime
Hybrid higher order non-convex total variation with overlapping group sparsity image denoising
An open source first-order MATLAB solver for conic programs with row sparsity.
Simulation codes for Channe-Estimation-for-IRS-Assisted Millimeter-Wave-MIMO-Systems-Sparsity-Inspired-Approaches