GUI for visualization and interactive editing of SMPL-family body models ie. SMPL, SMPL-X, MANO, FLAME.
SMPL body model layer for PyTorch
NumPy, TensorFlow and PyTorch implementation of human body SMPL model and infant body SMIL model.
Measure the SMPL body model
C++ Implementation of SMPL: A Skinned Multi-Person Linear Model
Code to fit SMPL model to scans
Visualization code for SMPL body model Family
fit smpl parameters model using 3D joints
Estimating human pose and shape by fitting SMPL model with the dense points position and key points position
c++ port of smpl body model (wip)
Load SMPL in blender
A simple tool for rendering and manipulation of the parameteric 3D human body model SMPL.
Predicts a SMPL model given a RGB image using clues from HMR, Simplify, AlphaPose, etc.
CLIP + Mesh + SMPL-X
This repository contains an example script to convert from a SMPL model to a bvh file.
Solving SMPL/MANO parameters from keypoint coordinates.
人体动作捕捉与三维重建 SMPL 和 SMPLify 模型
A multi-view SMPL fitting based on smplify-x
[已废弃] A redux framework for TS project.
一个开源的 ChatGPT UI
Stable Diffusion 是一个 text-to-image 扩散模型
The repository provides code for running inference with the SegmentAnything Model (SAM), links for downloading the trained model checkpoints, and example notebooks that show how to use the model.