#计算机科学#ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks
翻译 - ResNeSt:注意力分散网络
Image classification: efficientnet/resnest/seresnext/.....
detectron2 backbone: resnet18, efficientnet, hrnet, mobilenet v2, resnest, bifpn
tensorflow 2.x version of ResNeSt,RegNet,DETR
TensorFlow implementation of "ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks"
A Caffe version of official PyTorch ResNeSt
ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks for Tensorflow2
Implementations and checkpoints for ResNet, Wide ResNet, ResNeXt, ResNet-D, and ResNeSt in JAX (Flax).
An improved version of refinedet network, modify the backbone network, and provide resnet50 compression network and resnest method
[TIP 2022] Towards Better Accuracy-efficiency Trade-offs: Divide and Co-training. Plus, an image classification toolbox includes ResNet, Wide-ResNet, ResNeXt, ResNeSt, ResNeXSt, SENet, Shake-Shake, De...