pycorrector is a toolkit for text error correction. 文本纠错,实现了Kenlm,T5,MacBERT,ChatGLM3,Qwen2.5等模型应用在纠错场景,开箱即用。
翻译 - pycorrector是用于文本错误纠正的工具包。它的开发是为了方便设计,比较和共享深层文本纠错模型。
Materials for my Pycon 2015 scikit-learn tutorial.
Simple Python style checker in one Python file
翻译 - 一个Python文件中的简单Python样式检查器
C++ python bytecode disassembler and decompiler
翻译 - C++ python 字节码反汇编器和反编译器
🐍 Complete C99 parser in pure Python
翻译 - :snake:用纯Python完整的C99解析器
Python Crypto Bot (PyCryptoBot)
翻译 - Python加密机器人
A self-contained cryptographic library for Python
翻译 - 一个独立的Python加密库
A tool for infected .pyc files with arbitrary code that spreads out to infect all other .pyc files
Netease game file decrypt tools.( .npk .nxs .pyc )
Unpacked and decompiled versions of xml- and pyc-files of WorldOfTanks
AntiUncompyle is a tool for editing .pyc files so they will be immune against python decompilers
A Python Bytecode Disassembler helping reverse engineers in dissecting Python binaries by disassembling and analyzing the compiled python byte-code(.pyc) files across all python versions (including Py...