Boost Process
#学习与技能提升#Source code for the Processing Core and Development Environment (PDE)
翻译 - 处理核心和开发环境(PDE)的源代码
A definition of the culture around how decisions are made about Solid and a record of how this has changed over time
Process Orchestration Framework
翻译 - 用于微服务编排的分布式工作流引擎
Process execution for humans
Ruby process monitor
翻译 - Ruby进程监控器
Enterprise Stream Process Engine
翻译 - 企业流处理引擎
Process Injection
翻译 - 工艺注入
#面试#该仓库整理了具有良好面试体验的公司列表,这些公司面试内容贴近实际工作,而非八股文,依靠 HackerRank/Leetcode 刷题
Prometheus exporter that mines /proc to report on selected processes
Status, process, and documents for ECMA-262
翻译 - ECMA-262的状态,过程和文件
mon(1) - Simple single-process process monitoring program written in C
翻译 - mon(1)-用C编写的简单的单进程过程监控程序
Windows tool for dumping malware PE files from memory back to disk for analysis.
翻译 - Windows工具,用于将恶意软件PE文件从内存转储回磁盘以进行分析。
ZeroTurnaround Process Executor