Shell script to set up a Raspberry Pi/Odroid/PC with RetroArch emulator and various cores
Multi-tenant application development engine for cloud ready SaaS platform.
代码.音乐.生活。Sonic Pi 是一种新型乐器。 您无需弹奏琴弦或用棍子敲打东西,而是通过编写代码来创作音乐。
Tool used to create the official Raspberry Pi OS images
#计算机科学#Image-to-Image Translation in PyTorch
翻译 - PyTorch中的图像到图像翻译
The arguably fastest GPIO Library for the Raspberry Pi
翻译 - Raspberry Pi的戈登(Gordon)的类似于Arduino接线的WiringPi库(用于WiringPi绑定的非官方镜像)
Install Pi-KVM on debian SBCs such as Orange Pi, Banana Pi, Mango Pi, etc
A Prometheus exporter for PI-Hole's Raspberry PI ad blocker
翻译 - 一个Prometheus出口商,用于PI-Hole的Raspberry PI广告拦截器
Blueberry PI
Blinker python library for hardware. Works with Raspberry Pi, Banan Pi, Linux devices
turn your Go program(s) into an appliance running on the Raspberry Pi 3, Pi 4, Pi 5, Pi Zero 2 W, or amd64 PCs!
翻译 - Raspberry Pi 3设备的纯粹用户区
TensorFlow for Raspberry Pi
翻译 - 用于树莓派的TensorFlow
RF transmitter for Raspberry Pi
翻译 - Raspberry Pi的射频发射器
Blinker node.js library for hardware. Works with Raspberry Pi, Banana Pi, linux, windows, macos.
pi-pi-net 是一个在linux环境下封装epoll的网络库,可以基于此库非常方便的实现Reactor网络模型,或者web,rpc,websocket等网络框架的基础框架
Raspberry Pi Spectrometer
翻译 - 树莓派光谱仪
Website for Baking Pi: Operating Systems Development tutorial (Raspberry Pi)