Color schemes for default Mac OS X
My favorite theme for ST3 and iTerm2 on OSX Terminal!
Intellij inspired Darcula Theme for OSX terminal
similar-to-railscasts themes for Xcode, Emacs, iTerm2 and OSX terminal
OLD. Some themes i use in the Terminal (Mac OS X only). Double click to use.
OSX Terminal theme based on One Dark for Atom
为 iTerm /iTerm2 提供了上百种终端颜色方案 / 主题,同时还涵盖了对众多其他终端、编辑器等的适配,包括但不限于 Terminal、Konsole、PuTTY、Xresources、XRDB、Remmina、Termite、XFCE、Tilda、FreeBSD VT、Terminator、Kitty、MobaXterm、LXTerminal、Microsoft's Windows Terminal、Visual Studio、Alacritty 等,以满足不同用户在不同环境下对终端颜色个性化定制的需求。
Solarized ( theme for OSX Terminal
Automatically switch the theme of your OSX terminal based on the server you're logged in to.
Themes for Mac OSX Lion
Themes for the kitty terminal emulator
A collection of themes for kitty terminal 😻
Share your linux or osx terminal over the Internet.
Tailor-made Pokémon themes for your Hyper terminal
A quick way to spruce up your terminal in OSX.
:metal: The biggest collection of themes for Terminator terminal.
A big (huge) collection of rxvt / xterm terminal themes
A terminal package for Atom, complete with themes and more.
Set of eye pleasing themes for GNU Emacs. Supports both GUI and terminal.
Custom themes repository for Warp, a blazingly fast modern terminal built in Rust.
🌈 🍭 Themes 🍬 😍 for Alacritty: A cross-platform GPU-accelerated Terminal emulator
Cross platform Rust library to read a password in the terminal (Linux, BSD, OSX, Windows, WASM).
🕶️ A relaxed terminal theme to take a more relaxed view of things. For iTerm, Hyper, the macOS Terminal and a bunch of others.
#编辑器# create themes for intellij, textmate, textadept, atom, emacs, vim and gnome terminal.