Master data management API built using NestJs
Python library for communicating with VMWare's MDM AirWatch via their REST API.
dauthi is a tool that takes advantage of API functionality across a variety of MDM solutions to perform user enumeration and single-factor authentication attacks. Additionally, the framework offers au...
enroll-ec2-mac is a script to automatically enroll Amazon EC2 Mac instances into MDM. API calls for Jamf Pro are included, as are templates for credential setup.
MDMS Experience API
MDM API - Customer
Intrepidus Group's iOS MDM tools
Device management schema data for MDM.
Flyve MDM Plugin for GLPI
MDM patch *should* working on iOS 15+...
Onboarding splash screen for MDM and Automated Device Enrollment.
A tool to help users with pre-existing devices enroll into MDM
Management profile for MDM of all community provided apps that use ScreenRecording on macOS
超级签名 免签封装 安卓打包 企业签名 超级签名MDM 企业签名MDM vue前端
超级签名 免签封装 安卓打包 企业签名 超级签名MDM 企业签名MDM 自助分发多合一系统
Remote access to Android mobile devices (server part). This tool doesn't require USB connection! Screen mirroring, remote control by replaying gestures.
Android app for remote access to smartphone, tablet, TV Box. No USB connection required! This tool mirrors screen in a web browser. Remote control by replaying gestures.
🕸️ Create REST and GraphQL APIs, scaffold Jamstack webapps, stream changes in real-time.
翻译 - REST和GraphQL框架来构建现代的API驱动的项目(服务器端和客户端)
A specification for building JSON APIs
翻译 - 构建JSON API的规范
macOS and iOS profiles to configure our DNS over TLS and DNS over HTTPS service. Can be applied with human interaction, or via MDM.
Rails for API only applications
翻译 - Rails仅用于API应用程序