Handout for the tutorial "Creating publication-quality figures with matplotlib"
📊 Save matplotlib figures as TikZ/PGFplots for smooth integration into LaTeX.
A pytest plugin to facilitate image comparison for Matplotlib figures
Seamlessly integrate matplotlib figures as tensorflow summaries.
Matplotlib style sheets to nicely format figures for scientific papers, thesis and presentations while keeping them fully editable in Adobe Illustrator.
A simple framework for generating academic publication-ready figures directly using Matplotlib.
Matplotlib styles for scientific plotting
翻译 - Matplotlib样式用于科学绘图
A script tool for generating figures from experiment results, based on matplotlib
D-Lab's 3 hour introduction to data visualization with Python. Learn how to create histograms, bar plots, box plots, scatter plots, compound figures, and more, using matplotlib and seaborn.
matplotlib: plotting with Python
翻译 - matplotlib:使用Python绘图
This program converts MATLAB®/Octave figures to TikZ/pgfplots figures for smooth integration into LaTeX.
Official Matplotlib cheat sheets
翻译 - 官方Matplotlib备忘单
Matplotlib Jupyter Integration
翻译 - Matplotlib Jupyter扩展
Matplotlib tutorial for beginner
翻译 - Matplotlib初学者教程
Matplotlib 3.1 cheat sheet.
翻译 - Matplotlib 3.1备忘单。
Financial Markets Data Visualization using Matplotlib
翻译 - 新的mplfinance软件包(到2020年中期取代mpl-finance)。
Stylesheets for Matplotlib
Python Cheat Sheet NumPy, Matplotlib