A comprehensive collection of recent papers on graph deep learning
翻译 - 关于图深度学习的最新论文的全面收藏
#计算机科学#links to conference publications in graph-based deep learning
翻译 - 基于图的深度学习中会议出版物的链接
Literature references for “Designing Data-Intensive Applications”
#计算机科学#Highly cited and useful papers related to machine learning, deep learning, AI, game theory, reinforcement learning
翻译 - 与机器学习,深度学习,人工智能,博弈论,强化学习有关的高引用和有用论文
Clock using time quotes from the literature, based on the work of Jaap Meijers
Survey of program analysis research with a focus on machine code
Visual Literature Database
MiniF4-STM32F401CEU6/STM32F411CEU6 Product Literature
A curated list of adversarial attacks and defenses papers on graph-structured data.
🏰 Fantasy literature worth reading
Android Testing Literature
Organize literature into ideas, fast.
Literature for the self-taught AI practitioner! 📚
Literature repo of the Vitalab :
翻译 - Vitalab的文献库:
Literature Review Made Easy with Visualization
A Toolkit for Systematic Literature Reviews
[WIP] "Doki Doki Literature Club!" Android port
Doki Doki Literature Club! Japanese Language Patch
Collection of free books, papers and articles related to CTF challenges.
Reference and citation map for literature review and discovery
Literature of deep learning for graphs in Chemistry and Biology
2nd solution of ICDAR 2021 Competition on Scientific Literature Parsing, Task B.
翻译 - ICDAR 2021 科学文献解析竞赛第二个解决方案,任务 B。
📚 The Doki Doki Literature Club API