🔴 Beautiful colour gradients for design and code
翻译 - 🔴用于设计和编码的美丽色彩渐变
Easily train or fine-tune SOTA computer vision models with one open source training library. The home of Yolo-NAS.
Example demonstrating how gradient descent may be used to solve a linear regression problem
A <LinearGradient /> component for react-native
翻译 - <LinearGradient />组件,用于本机
Make huge neural nets fit in memory
#IOS#Easily use gradients in UIKit for iOS & tvOS
#IOS#⌛️A customizable animated gradient loading bar.
#安卓#A DownloadProgressButton with Animation for Android
Continuum Learning with GEM: Gradient Episodic Memory
CSS gradient placeholders
翻译 - CSS渐变占位符
Gradient explorer
翻译 - 渐变浏览器
Gradient Text in Real
Gradient boosted models
#计算机科学#A PyTorch implementation of Learning to learn by gradient descent by gradient descent
#计算机科学#Natural Gradient Boosting for Probabilistic Prediction
React Native css gradients - react-native-linear-gradient with css gradient support
Full-gradient saliency maps
A Python toolbox for performing gradient-free optimization
翻译 - 用于执行无梯度优化的Python工具箱
Probabilistic Gradient Boosting Machines