sketch + style = paints !
Generate a simple HTML page based on a markdown file, that looks like GitHub's stylesheet
翻译 - 根据markdown文件生成一个简单的HTML页面,看起来像GitHub的样式表
The minimal amount of CSS to replicate the GitHub Markdown style
翻译 - 复制GitHub Markdown样式的最少CSS
VS Code extension that changes the built-in markdown preview to match Github's styling
Github style replication for hexo theme
翻译 - :octocat:Github样式复制以十六进制主题
Simple CSS3 framework for creating GitHub-style buttons
Generate Stats as like Terminal Interface with typing effects dynamically for your profile Readme
Code style checking for GitHub's Ruby projects
翻译 - GitHub Ruby存储库的代码样式检查
Workout diary with GitHub-style year visualization
Generate GitHub style sparkline graphs with PHP
**Archived** Style guide & coding conventions for Swift projects
A Python library for creating Github-style badges
React Storybook addon to render README files in github style
Generate github-style avatar with java awt
GitHub ReadMe style for MarkDown editors App like Mou & MacDown.
Generate a pixel art style profile card from your GitHub data! ✨
**Archived** Style guide & coding conventions for Objective-C projects
A GitHub app to automatically review Python code style over Pull Requests
🏁 serve markdown as html (GitHub style), index directories, live-reload as you edit
Example workflows for automated releases in a GitFlow-style project using GitHub actions.
#计算机科学#Github mirror of M. Zinkevich's "Rules of Machine Learning" style guide, with extra goodness.