Microsoft.FeatureManagement provides standardized APIs for enabling feature flags within applications. Utilize this library to secure a consistent experience when developing applications that use patt...
翻译 - Microsoft.FeatureManagement提供了用于在应用程序中启用功能标志的标准化API。在开发使用Beta访问,推出,黑暗部署等模式的应用程序时,利用此库可确保获得一致的体验。
Open-source feature management solution built for developers.
翻译 - 释放是开源功能切换服务。
Full-featured reactive state management without the boilerplate
翻译 - 固执己见的,具有事务性的,由MobX驱动的状态容器,结合了不变和可变的世界的最佳功能,以实现最佳DX
Enterprise-ready, GitOps enabled, CloudNative feature management solution
翻译 - 在现有基础架构中运行的功能标志解决方案
A high performance full-featured project management system
Feature flighting in an Enterprise application allows you release your features in a controlled fashion using feature flags (aka feature toggles). The feature flighting service allows you to manage fe...
Indico - A feature-rich event management system, made @ CERN, the place where the Web was born.
翻译 - Indico-功能丰富的事件管理系统,由@ CERN(网络诞生的地方)制成。
A full-featured personal project management tool with task boards.
Feature flags, experiments, and remote config management with version control
Hackershare is a powerful social bookmarking service and a knowledge-sharing community, with advanced search and tag management feature
Etsy's Feature flagging API used for operational rampups and A/B testing.
翻译 - Etsy的功能标记API用于操作量提升和A / B测试。
Tool for migrating from Dynamics 365 legacy KB Articles to Knowledge Management service feature.
ECMAScript 6: Feature Overview & Comparison
翻译 - ECMAScript 6:功能概述和比较
NetBox 是一个 IP 地址管理(IP address management,IPAM)和数据中心基础设施管理(data center infrastructure manag
Style transfer, deep learning, feature transform
翻译 - 样式转移,深度学习,特征转换
#计算机科学#The Open Source Feature Store for Machine Learning
翻译 - 机器学习功能库
Node version management
将 macOS “快速查看”功能迁移到Windows
vault 是一个密钥管理的工具,保护如API keys、密码、证书等。Vault 提供了统一的访问接口,严格的访问控制,以及详细的审计日志
Apollo 是携程开源的一个布式配置管理中心,能够集中化管理应用不同环境、不同集群的配置,配置修改后能够实时推送到应用端,并且具备规范的权限、流程治理等特性,适用于微服务配置管理场景。
Simple, scalable state management.
翻译 - 简单,可扩展的状态管理。