Resilience4j 是一个轻量级容错框架,设计灵感来源于Netflix 的Hystrix框架,为函数式编程所设计。
Fault tolerance and resilience patterns for the JVM
翻译 - JVM的容错和弹性模式
Netflix's Hystrix latency and fault tolerance library, for Go
翻译 - Netflix的Hystrix延迟和容错库,用于Go
microprofile fault tolerance
SmallRye implementation of MicroProfile Fault Tolerance: bulkheads, circuit breakers, fallbacks, rate limits, retries, timeouts, and more
A high available service discovery & registration & fault-tolerance framework
Fault tolerance and resilience patterns for Go
Fault tolerance library and micro-services helpers
A Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) emulator built in Java
Accelerate Reed-Solomon coding for Fault-Tolerance in RAID-like system
Elixir demo app for demonstrating concurrency, fault tolerance and performance optimization
Quickly build large-scale ElasticSearch indices by using the fault tolerance and parallelism of Hadoop
Built a simulator replicating the HDFS fault-tolerance system to evaluate its performance.
A distributed SQL database with replication, fault-tolerance, tunable consistency and leader election.
Reinforcement Learning Flight Control: Hybrid Soft Actor-Critic and Incremental Dual Heuristic Programming for Fault-Tolerance
Hystrix 是一个用于微服务系统延迟容忍和容错功能,隔离远程系统的Java库
#搜索#Weaviate 是一个开源矢量数据库,它同时存储对象和矢量,允许将矢量搜索与结构化过滤与云原生数据库的容错和可扩展性相结合,所有这些都可以通过 GraphQL、REST 和各种语言客户端访问。
MailMergeLib is a mail message client library which provides comfortable mail merge capabilities for text, inline images and attachments, as well as good throughput and fault tolerance for sending mai...
Spring Cloud Gateway with Keycloak for Access and Identity Management and Resilience4j for fault tolerance and resiliency, Prometheus and grafana for monitoring, jaeger for distributed tracing on kube...