Resilience4j 是一个轻量级容错框架,设计灵感来源于Netflix 的Hystrix框架,为函数式编程所设计。
A library to improve the resilience of Go applications in an easy and flexible way
A Spring Boot demo which shows how to use the Resilience4j Spring Boot Starter
This library extends IHttpClientBuilder with easy to use resilience policies for the HttpClient.
An enterprise Mongo-Express REST API built using nodejs showcasing - Testing Strategy, mongoDB sharding, models, a REST API Interface, support for Redis, aggregation queries, aggregation caching, circ...
Lawful circuit breakers for Scala. Akka and monix circuit breaker implementations with monitoring.
Circuit Breaker: Decorators and tools that can easily apply the Circuit Breaker pattern.
A small Clojure wrapper around the resilience4j CircuitBreaker module
Polly CircuitBreaker extensions for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Python implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern
An extension of spring cloud gateway circuit breaker realizes the fusing of a single instance without affecting other same applications
UPPAAL Models for measuring the efficacy of Gossip Enabled Distributed Circuit Breaking. GEDCB detects dependency failures 30-50% faster than traditional circuit breakers.