falcon plugin for nginx statistic
#时序数据库# An open-source and enterprise-level monitoring system.
翻译 - 一个开源的企业级监视系统。
falcon plugin for nginx statistic
This is a seed app for Docker with Nginx, Guincorn and the Falcon web framework
demo falcon
Dockerfile with nginx proxy to falcon API framework starter
Boilerplate for creating a Falcon-based API, all neatly wrapped in docker and routed through nginx. It does https too.
BITS Angular JS talk and demo.
Falcon Player
翻译 - 猎鹰球员
falcon-plus frontend
open-falcon plugins
Crack WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi Routers with Airodump-ng and Aircrack-ng/Hashcat
NG-ZORRO admin panel front-end framework (surge mirror https://ng-alain-doc.surge.sh)
翻译 - NG-ZORRO管理面板前端框架(netlify镜像https://netlify.ng-alain.com/)
Tune any FALCON in 4-bit
Delon is a set of essential modules for ng-alain. https://github.com/ng-alain/ng-alain/issues
The no-magic web data plane API and microservices framework for Python developers, with a focus on reliability, correctness, and performance at scale.
翻译 - 极简主义的Web API框架,用于在Python中构建令人难以置信的快速,可靠和可扩展的微服务,代理和应用程序后端。
Free, open-source SQL client for Windows and Mac 🦅
翻译 - 适用于Windows和Mac的免费开源SQL客户端🦅
A high-performance web server for Ruby, supporting HTTP/1, HTTP/2 and TLS.
翻译 - 用于Ruby的高性能Web服务器,支持HTTP / 1,HTTP / 2和TLS。
FALCON - Fast Analysis of LTE Control channels
Chrome extension for full text history search!
Setup script for Regon-ng
Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng on Coursera.
ShadowsocksX-NG-R for MacOS, ShadowsocksR