Objective-C and Swift equivalencies
WIP - ES6 Equivalents In ES5
Easy equivalency tests for Nokogiri and Oga XML
Equivalent Salary Converter
Concrete: TFHE Compiler that converts python programs into FHE equivalent
C# 6 equivalents in C# 5
equivalentes de comidas, lugares entre brasil e alemanha 🇧🇷🇩🇪
equivalent to kafka-streams 🐙 for nodejs ✨🐢🚀✨
PHP's var_dump equivalent function for Python
Turn ruby AST into equivalent ruby source
翻译 - 将红宝石AST转换为等效的红宝石源
📄 The LESS equivalent to normalize.css.
Converts your TSLint configuration to the closest possible ESLint equivalent. 🚀
🔍 Ubuntu’s command-not-found equivalent for Homebrew on macOS
Chepy is a python lib/cli equivalent of the awesome CyberChef tool.
Benchmark comparing JSON.parse vs. equivalent JavaScript literals across JavaScript engines.
redux-immutable is used to create an equivalent function of Redux combineReducers that works with Immutable.js state.
Mac OS X equivalent for the ssh-askpass CLI that doesn't exist
A category on NSString to convert Emoji Cheat Sheet codes to their equivalent Unicode characters
This repository contains programs equivalent to GNU coreutils, written in the V language.
Bridge.lua is a C#-to-Lua Compiler,which generates equivalent and consistent lua code
Convert a MySQL database to an equivalent SQLite database