Markowitz portfolio optimisation (efficient frontier) in Python
Financial portfolio optimisation in python, including classical efficient frontier, Black-Litterman, Hierarchical Risk Parity
翻译 - python中的金融投资组合优化,包括经典有效前沿,Black-Litterman,分层风险平价
Calculate the efficient frontier
翻译 - 计算有效边界
A Python implementation of Modern Portfolio Theory, with applications to philanthropy
Plotting the Efficient Frontier in Python. Inspired by Markowitz Modern Portfolio Theory.
Code along the Data Shenanigans blog
Code repository for "Machine Learning and the Implementable Efficient Frontier" by Jensen, Kelly, Malamud, and Pedersen (2024)
Implementation of Monte Carlo Optimization Selection from the paper "A Robust Estimator of the Efficient Frontier"
R-Shiny App for computing and plotting the Markowitz mean-variance efficient frontier
Frontier Chain Testnets
翻译 - 边境链测试网
Multi-platform GPU-accelerated interface for compute-intensive pipelines. Radio, the final frontier.
A scalable frontier for web crawlers
Frontier Chain
翻译 - 边境链
Monster Hunter Frontier Server Emulator
Ethereum Frontier Guide中文版,原地址为:
ROS Node and Costmap 2D plugin layer for frontier exploration
Ethereum compatibility layer for Substrate.
A high-performance, concurrent hash table
Mission planner for the board game High Frontier
A ROS package that implements a multi-robot RRT-based map exploration algorithm. It also has the image-based frontier detection that uses image processing to extract frontier points.
First Practical and General-purpose Range Filter