A powerful ItemDecoration for Recyclerview, supports the common layoutmanager.
ItemDecoration for Android Recyclerview
Assembly scanning and decoration extensions for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
翻译 - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection的程序集扫描和装饰扩展
An Android ItemDecorations library which easily add ItemDecoration to RecyclerView items. Currently Contains PinnedHeaderItemDecoration, DividerItemDecoration, OffsetsItemDecoration, ShaderItemDecora...
ItemDecoration for RecyclerView using LinearLayoutManager for Android
A collection of decorators for React Components
A common RecyclerView divider , supports the LinearLayoutManager and the GridLayoutManager.
Android RecyclerView 使用ItemDecoration实现吸附效果,完全解耦
A hack to disable gtk+ 3 client side decoration
OSX-like window decoration for KDE Plasma written in C++
Borderless windows in Windows Forms with custom window decoration controls
A behavior for Internet Explorer allowing it to recognize and render various CSS3 box decoration properties
翻译 - Internet Explorer的一种行为,使其可以识别和呈现各种CSS3框装饰属性
A plugin that allows branch analysis and pull request decoration in the Community version of Sonarqube
翻译 - SonarQube的插件,允许在社区版本中进行分支分析
A custom SystemUI Android Application that shows screen decoration windows across other android apps.
DOM of blivechat that can used in OneComme for comments display and decoration