Official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles.
翻译 - 引用样式语言(CSL)引用样式的官方存储库。
C#Light/Evil,a fast easy Script Language for Unity hot fix and everywhere.
Linear layout view designed to simplify relative layouts on iOS.
Official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) locale files.
翻译 - 引用样式语言(CSL)语言环境文件的官方存储库。
Yet another Python CSL Processor
CSL styles bundled with Zotero client
Rotating object detection using YOLOv7 and CSL.
A JavaScript implementation of the Citation Style Language (CSL)
A CSL file for zotero users in IOPEN
For Computer Science Teachers. Automated installation scripts for HUSTOJ, DOMjudge, CMS, moodle, etc ...
Actual csl file for MDPI reference in Zotero repository doesn't use DOI. This is an alternative .csl archive for MDPI format with DOI detection.
让 SkinsRestorer 使用 BlessingSkin 搭建的皮肤站上 / CSL API 的皮肤! (Let SkinsRestorer use Blessing Skin Server's / CSL API's skins!)
A small library helping to parse citations between Markdown and CSL JSON
The Jython Environment for Students allows students to write Jython programs that can manipulate pictures, sounds, and videos.
High resolution SAR image vehicle detection dataset collected from Sandia MiniSAR/FARAD SAR images and MSTAR images
CSL 中文样式文件测试仓库
CSL (citation language style) to cite document from Mendeley/Zotero in Remnote-Md