A conference app built with Ionic to demonstrate Ionic
翻译 - 使用Ionic构建的会议应用程序,用于演示Ionic
Complete open source web conferencing system.
翻译 - 完整的开源Web会议系统。
Conference presentation slides
A community-curated list of conferences around the world for Android developers.
翻译 - 社区策划的针对Android开发人员的会议列表。
Acceptance rates for the major AI conferences
This repository list a maximum of tech conferences's date and CFP in order to help conferences organizers, speakers & attendees
视频会议换脸工具,目前支持Zoom, Skype等
#自然语言处理#⏰ AI conference deadline countdowns
翻译 - :alarm_clock:AI会议截止日期倒计时
[Archive] f8 2014 Conference App
翻译 - [存档] f8 2014 Conference App
Conference slides and White-papers
Awesome conference website in 5 minutes.
翻译 - 很棒的会议网站,只需5分钟。
Numba tutorial for GTC 2017 conference
#计算机科学#links to conference publications in graph-based deep learning
翻译 - 基于图的深度学习中会议出版物的链接
NTT Tech Conference
.NET Student Zone .NET Conference
Accepted Journal/Conference Paper Lists
Slide decks from my conference presentations
Pre-build conference application built with Xamarin
Presented at Scipy Conference 2019
The Official Conference App for DroidKaigi 2018 Tokyo