An emoji guide for your commit messages. 😜
翻译 - 提交消息的表情符号指南。 😜
The conventional commits specification
翻译 - 常规提交规范
Get started using GitHub in less than an hour.
A CLI for creating better commits following the conventional commits specification
Semantic Git commits
automated releases based on conventional commits
Initial Commit
✨ Make commits easier with ChatGPT, Gitmoji and Conventional Commits 🚀
💬Conventional Commits for VSCode.
Conventional commits, changelog, versioning, validation
Generate a changelog from git commits.
PHP Commitizen - A CLI tool used to create commits according to Conventional Commits specification
Lints Pull Request commits with commitlint
Create repos and commits with AI.
git is a blockchain. Start your commit hashes with 00000000 like a real blockchain should.
翻译 - 使用定制的哈希值授权您的提交
A gitmoji interactive cli tool for using emojis on commits. 💻
翻译 - gitmoji交互式命令行工具,用于在提交时使用表情符号。 💻
#大语言模型#AI Commits for IntelliJ based IDEs/Android Studio.
DikuMUD 1991 releases as commits -
A command line interface for linting Git commits.
翻译 - 用于删除Git提交的命令行界面。