Exemplary real world backend API built with Laravel
翻译 - 使用Laravel构建的示例性现实世界后端API
The most powerful and modular diffusion model GUI, api and backend with a graph/nodes interface.
Exemplary real world backend API built with NestJS + TypeORM / Prisma
Various todo list backend API implementations
翻译 - 各种待办事项列表后端API实现
Backend implementation for the Apple/Google exposure notification API.
翻译 - Apple / Google曝光通知API的后端实现。
The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints—to Jupyter web applications.
OAuth Authorization as a Service
📚 A public list of APIs from round the web.
APIs on APIs on APIs
Apollo backend server
Obfuscate specific windows apis with different apis
翻译 - 使用不同的API混淆特定的Windows API
Explore the Electron APIs
翻译 - 探索电子API
Backend of Bark
翻译 - 树皮后端
Code Repo for API course in Fullstack ND
Backend application using Laravel 9.x REST APIs for games topup from digiflazz.com and payment gateway using xendit.co
PocketBase 是一个开箱即用的后端服务。可以作为独立的应用直接使用,也可作为Go语言框架进行定制开发。带有内嵌的SQLite数据库,用户管理,管理员控制面板,以及RESET API
Reflection APIs over roslyn symbol APIs
#Awesome#A collaborative list of public APIs for developers
Django MongoDB Backend
Backend for HospitalRun
A collection of unofficial apis. Designed to inspire your next Friday night hack
翻译 - 非官方API的集合。旨在激发您的下一个星期五晚上的黑客