Bitcoin Core release attestations (Guix)
Action for generating build provenance attestations for workflow artifacts
#安卓#Spoof locked bootloader on local attestations
#安卓#Google SafetyNet attestation workarounds for Magisk
翻译 - 具有硬件证明和未锁定的引导程序的Android设备上的Google SafetyNet通用修复程序。
attestation-deplacement-derogatoire-q4-2020 public
翻译 - 2020年第4季度公开证书贬损位移
Contracts of the Sismo Badge Minting Protocol remote attestation server. Server code for use with the Auditor app: It provides two services: submission of attestation data samples and a remot...
in-toto Attestation Framework
Samples for the Google SafetyNet Attestation API
Ethereum Attestation Service