Parsing and re-packing Android boot.img/vbmeta.img/payload.bin, supporting Android 15
#安卓#Spoof locked bootloader on local attestations
A set of open source libraries for controlling AVB entities using the AVDECC (IEEE 1722.1) protocol compliant to Avnu Milan Specifications
CoRE4INET is an extension to the INET-Framework for the event-based simulation of real-time Ethernet in the OMNEST/OMNeT++ simulation system.
Control your Motu AVB soundcard with your MCU enabled controller
Open-source implementation of the IEEE 1722 protocol, for streaming audio/video, tunneling CAN/LIN messages and enabling remote access to peripheral bus systems.
#安卓#🐍 Python port of to patch Android vbmeta image to disable verification flags
A Keras/TensorFlow-based implementation of Adversarial Variational Bayes by L. Mescheder et al.
An application that allows you to link your MOTU AVB mixer with a physical surface over HTTP.
Helper functions for pyavb