Apache CloudStack is an opensource Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform
Entry point for issues and wiki. Also contains some scripts and sources.
翻译 - 问题和Wiki的入口点。还包含一些脚本和源代码。
The global orchestration solution to manage and backup XCP-ng and XenServer.
A simple install script for Xen Orchestra
OpenUDS Is an Open Source Source multiplatform connection broker, created by Spanish Company Virtualcable S.L.U. and released under Open Source with the help of several Spanish Universities.
Xen Orchestra provider for Terraform
XenServer provider for Terraform
🐧 Curso GRÁTIS de Hypervisor (Virtualização) utilizando o Proxmox-VE, XCP-NG e VMware ESXi
An easy-to-use HTTP API of XenAPI for Web Application Developers.
Xen Orchestra running on Alpine Linux [Docker]
VM Backup for Citrix Hypervisor and XCP-ng
XenGarden, an Object-oriented Python XenAPI Wrapper for managing Citrix Hypervisor and XCP-ng
XenOrchestra builder for centos 7 with netdata
Xen Orchestra for Docker using Alpine
Command line tool to test xva files for corruption.
Marvell/Aquantia AQC111u MultiGigabit 2.5GbE/5GbE USB3 NIC Driver for XCP-ng
XEN Orchestra (built from sources) As a Container
Ansible role: Install virtual guest tools 4 many VMs environments