The Windows Community Toolkit is a collection of helpers, extensions, and custom controls. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks building .NET apps with UWP and the Windows App SDK / W...
翻译 - Windows Community Toolkit是帮助程序功能,自定义控件和应用程序服务的集合。它简化并演示了为Windows 10构建UWP应用程序的常见开发人员任务。该工具包是.NET Foundation的一部分。
Lottie-Windows is a library (and related tools) for rendering Lottie animations on Windows 10 and Windows 11.
ARCHIVE - This repository contained XAML Islands wrapper controls and tooling for XAML Islands with WinUI 2, see readme for more info about XAML Islands with WinUI 3 and the WindowsAppSDK.
A program to remove section-header information from 32/64 bit ELF and PE32 executables.
Windows NT oprerating system GUI documentation project, and its history.
Windows Tool Box is a versatile application designed to optimize, customize, and enhance the Windows operating system.
A simple winui3 appp with mvvm toolkit