The Open Source kanban (built with Meteor). Keep variable/table/field names camelCase. For translations, only add Pull Request changes to wekan/i18n/en.i18n.json , other translations are done at https...
翻译 - 开源看板(使用Meteor构建)。保留变量/表/字段名称camelCase。对于翻译,仅将Pull Request更改添加到wekan / i18n / en.i18n.json,其他翻译仅在上完成。
titra - modern open source project time tracking for freelancers and small teams
Production-ready docker container for Taiga
🔌Connects Wekan (better trello) notifications to Mattermost (better slack) channels properly
Transfer files from MongoDB GridFS to Minio file server, and MongoDB text to SQLite
This is a python client for interacting with the WeKan® REST-API
A chatbot for wekan integration into synology chat. (Other Plattforms can be added later)
🔌 Connects Mattermost (better slack) chat messages to Wekan (better trello) card and comments
a simple js library to handle multiple files format suxh as eml.meta, json ..
Doable: Opinionated fork of Wekan, the open-source Trello-like kanban (built with Meteor).
A role dedicated to the installation and configuration of Wekan, an open source kanban.
看板 (wekan) 与 钉钉 (dingtalk / dingding) 之间的一个代理层,提供了比 wekan 原始的 webhook 更多的灵活性和扩展性