ESP8266 Weather Station in Color using ILI9341 TFT 240x320 display
翻译 - ESP8266 彩色气象站使用 ILI9341 TFT 240x320 显示器
Weather Underground Icons ( PNG & SVG )
InBrief is a personal briefing app and dashboard powered by Electron and React
Use your Kindle KT3 (8. generation) for a weather station with weather underground api and homematic weather sensor.
A simple R package to get historical and forecast weather data
Captures, stores, and displays data from an AcuRite Iris/Atlas weather station and towers via an Access/smartHUB. Uploads data to Weather Underground, CWOP, Weathercloud, PWS Weather, Windy, Windguru...
Small LoRa based Weather station. The weather station contains a temperature sensor, air pressure sensor and humidity sensor. The data is read out and sent to Cayenne Mydevices and Weather Underground...
Weather Forecasting report over the Jaipur Dataset for Rain Prediction
A simple python script for fetching data from Weather Underground's API
⛅ Leaflet map layer for showing radar and satellite data from Weather Underground
ESP8266 based HomeKit Weather Underground PWS Weather Station ⛈
Integration of Co-Asia/Air-Mentor Pro 2 into SmartThings environment over BT-LE using Raspberry Pi and Weather Underground weather forecasts.
Weather Forecast App Built With React and Tested with Enzyme, Persistence with Local Storage
Old repo, new repo here:
Small and simple PHP API client to retrieve Weather Underground data
A clean and simple weather dashboard
Using Xamarin Forms and Weather Underground to get the hourly forecast.