Price calculator/predictor for Turnip prices
翻译 - 萝卜价格的价格计算器/预测器
🐨🍃💰 Multiplayer trading plateform for Animal Crossing New Horizons
Yet another turnip price simulator for Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Turnip price predictor for ACNH. Given the input template csv, a graph and detailed csv is generated.
Google Sheets scripts to automate a Turnip tracker for ACNH, including wrappers to include predictions.
🌱 Fetch the top islands from
Tool to calculate & compare profit from selling turnips to different sellers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Watches the acturnips subreddit for new posts.
A library/module to interact with the API.
Google Apps Script to show ACNH stalk market pattern, min, and max in sheets