Price calculator/predictor for Turnip prices
翻译 - 萝卜价格的价格计算器/预测器
This site helps with creating nicely formatted item listings for Hay Day.
A price calculator written in PHP to format, calculate prices
This is a simple calculator made for players who trade in HAY DAY discord and facebook.
this one used to calculate library charges on the basis of prices for set time period
#区块链#Blockchain based crypto price calculator
Click the given link to run the project
A website for calculating certified Rocket League item prices.
A simple Machine Learning algorithm that calculates the price of houses based on weighted attributes and a large training dataset.
#区块链#crypto price calculator is a simple tool to check cryptocurrency prices in various currencies. you can quickly view the current prices of popular cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin (btc), ethereum (eth)...
#区块链#A user-friendly price calculator for cryptocurrency-based transactions, supporting multiple currencies, customizable fees, and real-time exchange rate fetching. Developed with Python and Tkinter.
An application to shop online and save items to the cart.
This project is to help people with calculating how much their, plastic filament, 3D model is worth. This project is still under development but this project is still functional and works as intended,...
This project is a web application that allows for calculating product prices considering various factors such as cost, expense, sale percentage, and profit margin.
A simple frontend for calculating expedition fee provided by RajaOngkir REST API