JavaScript image cropper.
翻译 - JavaScript图像裁剪器。
Cropperjs as React component
A simple photo editing application.
翻译 - 一个简单的照片编辑应用程序。
A Vue wrapper component for cropperjs
A jQuery plugin wrapper for Cropper.js.
Cropper.js as Blazor component for cropping images
CropperJS integration for Angular +6
使用vue全家桶(Vue+Vue-router+Vuex+axios)、ElementUI 样式库构建的前端项目。该项目是前后端分离架构中的“前端部分”
Django boilerplate for any scalable WebApp project. Equipped with users apps, celery, lightbox.js, dropzone.js and cropper.js
Pure JavaScript image cropper
An in-browser HTML5 batch image cropping tool that uses a custom crop mask for each image
Upload multiple images similar to how you upload images on Instagram (Cropper).
♻️ Cycle.js component for
Keras-Mall是一个 Nodejs 企业级电商中台,基于全栈技术组合(koa、Sequlize & vue、vuex、vue-router、element-UI),内置模块如:国际化支持、换肤、菜单及按钮授权、数据库备份、权限及角色配置、日志管理等。