Installs Ruby, JRuby, TruffleRuby, or mruby
An action to download a prebuilt Ruby and add it to the PATH in 5 seconds
A curated list of awesome resources for Graal, GraalVM, Truffle and related topics
REPL (read–eval–print loop) shell built on top of JavaFX and GraalVM stack, incorporating GraalJS, GraalPython, TruffleRuby and FastR
Galaaz is a system for tightly coupling Ruby and R. It substitutes the SciCom project.
Utility for installing prebuilt Ruby versions to RBEnv
Website for all versions of all Ruby implementations
Utility for compiling and installing different Ruby versions
docker powered ubuntu + truffleruby
tiny little worker pool code for some homelab truffleruby vs mri experimenting