PruningRadixTrie - 1000x faster Radix trie for prefix search & auto-complete
#面试#My implementation of 85+ popular data structures and algorithms and interview questions in Python 3 and C++
A lightweight full text indexer for .NET
基于Netty4开发的简单、轻量级、高性能的的Http restful api server
A golang http router based on trie tree.
#自然语言处理#pinyintokenizer, 拼音分词器,将连续的拼音切分为单字拼音列表。
快写完了....支持泛型的数据结构库(vec, linkedlist, skiplist, hashtable, btree, avltree, rbtree, trie, set
Tookit-Sihui, a tool of some common algorithm, AI文本混合科学计算器(calculator-sihui), 句子词频-逆文本频率(TF-IDF),搜索BM25, 前缀树搜索关键词(trietree), 模板匹配-递归函数(func_recursive),中文数字转阿拉伯数字(chinese to number),阿拉伯数字转汉语数字, HMM, CR...
#算法刷题#Coordinate Hash Trie: A Trie Variant Balancing between Time, Space, and Simplicity
#编辑器#a simple text editor in java for DS project
#自然语言处理#Sensitive Words Detection 一个高性能的敏感词检测和过滤库,基于 Go 语言开发,采用整洁架构设计。专注于中文文本的敏感词检测,支持多种检测策略和灵活的扩展机制。
Missing Trie implementation for Go